Thursday, February 23, 2006


Back out of retirement just to post a link to this blog:

Those of you who know me will know why I'm linking to this blog, once you get there and start reading. If you'd like to comment here about the subject matter there on THIS blog, go ahead, just don't reference the name of the person we know that's in that area, where is he or why. I would also encourage you to NOT comment on that blog. Could I possibly be any more mysterious about it?? haha... But seriously - this blog is beautiful - and if you read down into the posts enough, you'll even see pictures of the city where our friend is.

1 comment:

Angie said...

You may need to check the March, February, and January archives in order to see all of the pictures and articles dealing with the area where our friend is. Many of the pictures will be of the very city where he is, and of some of the same establishments where he has been.