Friday, April 28, 2006

A,B,C, It's Easy As 1,2,3...

ABC meme that I didn't steal from Robert who didn't steal it from OTRgirl who is not making everyone jealous with her insanely clever style of writing and interesting life out east while she eats exotic foods on her stone covered patio while toasting marshmallows over the firepit whie the rest of the corn huskers in Ohio pick wheat out of their bibs and look at her in awe.

Accent: I'm from the middle of Ohio. This is one of only 2.5 states in the country where we have no accent (Indiana and parts of Illinois being the other two). However, when I lived in SC, I did pick up something of a cute southern twang, so every once in a while that will come out; and from my days growing up in VA, every so often something will slip out from there, how I soft pronounce my "r's" (the thing you drive is a "ca......r" not a "car.")

Booze: Pahleze. Someone's gotta be the Double D in this crew while Brandy, Brandi, Robert and Craig go get trashed. And don't let Robert fool you. The only reason he's not knockin' one back right now is because they'd hang him where he lives if he did. Teetoler my toe.

Chore I hate: Folding laundry. And I kind of hate taking out the trash. I WOULDN'T if I didn't have to lift it above my head to put it in the dumpster...but seeing as the dumpster is taller than I am...I run the risk of dumping the trash on my head. Grody.

Dog or Cat: If the dog could eat the cat and then get sick and die, even better.

Essential Electronics: Internet.

Favorite Cologne: I don't wear COLOGNE. This is a dumb question. But I did just buy some PERFUME called London Burberry a few weeks ago. Yummy.

Gold or Silver: Silver.

Hometown: Dayton, Ohio. But I left my heart in Carolina.

Insomnia: Frequently. Between 1AM and 4AM, and then waking up again at 6AM.

Job Title: Good question. I'll have to ask my new boss on Monday.

Kids: I don't have kids right now.

Living Arrangements: I live in a two bedroom apartment with my friend Cristi.

Most admirable traits: I'm GREAT at making my friends laugh when they're having a bad day, and I'm really good at entertaining myself even if noone is having a bad day!

Number of Sexual Partners: Mumbler! I can't hear you! What kind of question is that?! Oz is totally PG! Hahah! Right - I'm a high school youth pastor.I can answer this question: Zero. And if you happen to be one of my youth group kids from Dayton, Carolina or Grove City reading - keep it locked up until the day you're married...God's got a reason for asking us to wait, and... "the waiting is good, right?"

Overnight Hospital Stays: I don't think I've ever stayed overnight. But then again, I have seizures so it's not like I would remember.

Phobias: Mean dogs, and high heights.

Quote: Oh - how I want to quote something that Brandy Shrader said this week that made us want to wash our ears out with chlorine, but it's too much to repeat on this site...

Religion: I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 1 Cor 2v2

Siblings: Three brothers. Alex is the oldest (8 years older), Joe's next (14 months older), Luke is younger (he's 18, I think).

Time I wake up: 5:30AM, unfortunately. My sleeping is broken.

Unusual Talent or Skill: I like Bob, that's pretty unusual, eh? I can also talk like a sheep, or so I'm told.

Vegetable I love: Sugar snap peas.

Worst Habit: Interuppting when others talk, and finishing their sentences; thinking too much.

X-rays: Brain x-rays like mri's, cat scans and eeg's. Other than that, YES, I'd like to have XRAY vision. Who wouldn't?

Yummy foods I make: Chocolate chip cookies from scratch. Coconut Creme Pie.

Zodiac Sign: Saggitarius, or Horse.

1 comment:

OTRgirl said...

Wow! Thanks. That's nice to hear.

Warning: Flattery will get you no where.

(I'll send the check later)