Saturday, April 29, 2006


Please call me this afternoon or this evening.
Love you,

Sometimes, it sucks to be right. My mom lied the other day. Maybe "lied" is the wrong word. I just don't think she had it in her to tell me then. That's completely understandable.

Her cancer is back. She has two tumors in her "good breast" and her lymph nodes on that side are enlarged. So what does that make this? Recurrence number four? (Angie counts the courses of treaments in her head) Lumpectomy; Lumpectomy + Lymph nodes + Radiation; Mastectomy + Chemotherapy... and then this. If I remember what Dr. Ibrahim said last time, there was supposed to be only a 17% chance that it would come back...and that treatment should it come back this time would be surgery again, and very aggressive chemo. Fun stuff, eh?

I had the pleasure of calling almost our entire family and telling them, too. Mostly the response was the same. "Oh. Wow. Again? (Silenc) Wow." Or something sort of shocked like that. I'm kind of glad I didn't have to call Uncle Al - he's the softy in the family. I wouldn't want to have to tell him myself. Granny will tell him on Saturday sometime. But damn, enough with the cancer already...

Hey - on a good note, as more than one family member least she's got a cute little noggin when it's bald! right?! <---- that exclamation point is colored with my Crayola "Sarcastic Black" crayon. It's the best one in the box for occasions like these. On that note...Please remember to pray for my mom... and I guess, while you do that, I'll remember that I'm a believer in Jesus Christ and that he has saved my mom three times before - what's one more, right?! <---- and THAT exclamation point is colored with one of those big FAT Crayola crayons called "Go suck an egg Satan, you can't have my mom yet you big dumb idiot, in the name of Jesus Yellow." It's not over till God says it over (and that IS my motto in this situation).

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