Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Natalie sent this cute picture of Joe and Brian this afternoon. Brian is going to be a monster! He resembles Joe when Joe was this age, but Joe was a VERY thin toddler...Brian looks like he could toss a log through a car windshield without a second thought, right?! Though I've known it for some time, this photo clenches the fact that my brother is a grown man. He's not just my big brother anymore (and barely my big brother - he's only 14 months older). And you know what it is in the photo that did it? It's the way he's holding the camcorder in his hand while balancing Brian at the same time, AND the style of watch he's wearing on that same hand. There's something really fatherly and manly about those three things. When did that happen? I mean, I know when he started wearing that style of watch (that was in high school)...and I know when he started wanted to videotape or photograph everything (that's when he was in Germany)...and I obviously know when he had Brian. But when did it happen that all of those things happened all at once and he became ALL these things? Because I think I missed that exact moment along the way...

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