Monday, October 02, 2006


To quote my "husband", "Yes, the honeymoon was awesome. Thanks for asking. And, yes, that's as much detail as you should expect."

But, I will give you this much. Operators are standing by if you'd like to get your very own, Bob Ross-Happy Trees-inspired, limited edition, sure to sell out and definitely not going to be around for long (but not so much because there are limited supplies but more because there's a limited demand and the market won't support this amazing piece of art!)...Yes, Oz Readers, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you and your investors, something you can be sure to pass along to your children and their children.

It's the Robert and Angela Meeker Wedding Print. If you'll expand the photo and look closely, you'll see the actual brush strokes from where where each of these have been HAND painted! :-) (Actual wedding photos to follow soon.)

In unrelated news, my not-arty neighbors are playing a didgeridoo right this moment (12:49PM). Quite well, I might add. At least they're able to make a noise with it. That's more than a lot of people can do with one. Kudos to you, not arty cracked out neighbors. If the crack/meth business drops off here in C'bus, you can always go into the didgeridoo playing business somewhere downtown. OH! Hahaha...they just tickled their lips on the tip of it. Hahaha...


Aimee said...

Thanks for sharing with all your friends that I asked you about buying lingerie. Next time, I'll get chains to go with the whip I heard you received--and I *won't* ask beforehand.

I hope you liked the tank and other thing. I thought it was modest, yet cute and sexy... what any new bride would like. :-P

You looked beautiful and I'm so glad I was there.

Anonymous said...

Blah, blah blah...who was that gorgeous vision who stood to your right during the ceremony? She sure was fine.

Anonymous said...

Ok I think anonymous needs to either think about the right or left because Robert was handsome and all but her certainly wasn't a girl. And if it was the oh so fine Brandi, well she was on the left--due to the fact Angie was facing the pastor during most of the ceremony, or are you thinking of it as they faced the crowd? I'm a little thrown. Please clarify joke or restate compliment. Thanks!

Aimee said...

Devon--my thoughts exactly!

Angie said...

The person to my right, technically, would have been my mom. I mean, I was standing facing Robert during the ceremony, so the person standing to my right would have been my mom, seated at the first seat in the first pew!

Anonymous - Are you hitting on my mom? I can hook you up if you want!