Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Discover the Point

No really, This is the website I've been making for a church in Toledo. It's not finished yet, but it's due to launch in just a few days, and tonight, I talked with the director at the church and found out a ton of changes to be made to the site. I'll be working on it all day tommorrow for sure. Oh, but I still have that Family Fun Night flyer to finish up for the church in Texas having REAL SNOW, a petting zoo, a carousel, and who is watching a Charlie Brown Christmas and The Polar Express outside on the big screen for their block party in a few weeks! Who wouldn't want to come to that?! And I seriously need to dig back into their database...For someone who doesn't have a real job, I sure have been working a lot this week and have a lot more to do.

Oh and in MUCH more exciting news! Robert and I have begun our support raising for our return trip to Iraq. Yup! It officially began this afternoon when we sent our November Newsletter. If you would like a copy of it and didn't get one, shoot me an email and I'll make sure you get one. The highlight of the newsletter (in my opinion)was our "Creative Ways to Give!" Over the next few weeks, we'll be sending out HUNDREDS of letter to people and churches across the country asking for their support, and while walking out the door the other talking about how we ONLY need 100 of those HUNDREDS to pledge $50 a month in order to meet our goal, it dawned on us that HUNDREDS of stamps are VERY expensive! At least, they are when neither of us are working steady full time! We know that we will have to send to hundreds of people in order to gain the needed support, and we know that God will supply just what need in order to GO. BUT, we need stamps in order to do that! HA!

Well, stamps are no match for GOD, right!? So, stamps became a creative way to give to our ministry! I mean, we can totally believe for God to show a few people how THEY are TRULY supporting the work of our ministry by simply mailing us STAMPS, right? I'm not being sarcastic either! As we walked out the door and talked about it in the car, I think we had this moment (at least I did) where I remembered that it may be someone's joy to pick up an extra book of stamps at the Post Office, knowing that every 20 stamps mails out 20 letters which may yield another person's support for our ministry. It's strange how God works like that, right?

*sigh* Enough of that...Wanna hear something strange? What I want right now - is an Apple Fritter donut from Jolly Pirate and some more iced Apple Juice. Yum. That's brain food when you're working on important stuff like websites, flyers, databases, and that most important stuff - stamps and praying for stamps!

1 comment:

rdmeeker said...

Right on, Tanya!