Friday, September 08, 2006

Down with Fraggle Rock...and Brandi Meeker

I've decided that the Thing Living In My Stomach Looks like one of the Fraggles. The one on the lower right. But that's not why I'm writing. I have more important news to tell you about.

On our wedding website, there is a guest book, and it seems that my soon to be sister-in-law, Brandi is plotting to kill Robert and I and all of our guests at the reception! I KNOW! She publicly posted that she is going to "toast us with Kool Aid" which many of you will recognize as a reference to Jim Jones and the mass suicides at Jonestown in '77. And to think, she's my maid of honor? I should have known better...

*the links above will show you the resemblance between Brandi and Jim Jones. I'm sure you'll agree.


1 comment:

Brandi said...

See if I ever send you a loving note again!