Tuesday, July 25, 2006


There remained in my cabinet exactly two and a quarter cups of flour, and in my refrigerator two eggs (still fresh, which I knew because I tested them in water).

I had to. There were too many variable still unchecked from the last batch.

We had used dark brown sugar instead of light. That could have been our downfall (or rather, the cookies' downfall). I still had some Country Crock in the refrigerator, which has a much higher butter content than the margarine we used the second time (we had attributed the second batch's failure to the use of margarine and not butter). And of course, for batches #2, and the pending batch #3, the Tollhouse Recipe was used as to where batch #1 used the Betty Crocker Recipe.

So like I said, I HAD to. Batch #3 had to be done, because I had to know if the light brown sugar, and using Country Crock would make a difference. Last night was inevitable.

Now here's the thing. In reality, I knew that the Country Crock was going to spoil it. But that little tub was calling to me from the wire racks in the 'fridge, giggling its little giggle the way it does. "I'm good on toast and muffins. Just as good butter, really. You choose me over butter all the time. Do it!" I really wanted butter, but you know, it was 9:30PM, and that's too late to start making phone calls to go to the store just for butter. People would think I was nuts. So, the experiment continued factoring in the only slightly higher butter count of Country Crock, and focusing on the LIGHT brown sugar as opposed to the dark.

Conclusions: Country Crock makes for RUNNY batter, because there's still not enough to HOLD the mixture together in stiff form. This is why recipes that call for margarine split it with Crisco. I mean, we all know that instinctively. The light brown sugar was a good move though. Also, the dark cookie sheet may be a problem which I will have to continue to test at a future time when I have BUTTER. I only baked six cookies because those spread out to cover the entire pan.

Batch #3 as baked cookies - completely failed. However, batch #3 as cookie dough?! Complete success! I don't know what I'm going to do with a HUGE tub of cookie dough sitting around, though. I like it as much as the next person, but not that much.

Oh wretched chocolate chip cookie recipe! Why do you taunt me! Now I have no flour, no eggs and no chocolate chips and I need a new cookie sheet, as well. Are you trying to tell me to lay off the cookies!? Had I never tasted some of my own lovely cookies, I would not want for more! But I have! Oh sorry baker am I...



Aimee said...

Have you tried the silicone baking sheets? I hear they work wonderfully. I'd love to get one.

I KWYM about the dark baking sheet. Sometimes, I'll actually use our light metal pizza baking sheet, and I like the results much better, but you have to watch them, because it seems like they bake quicker.

It must've been something in the air last night. I baked ANOTHER batch of brownies last night. It started with a neighborhood cook-out, for which I was supposed to take brownies. While not horrible, definitely not up to par with my usual success with brownies. So, last week, I made a double portion and added walnuts... watched them closely and can I say, they were the best brownies I've ever baked in my life! I had to give them away, and my parents (the givees) couldn't get over how good they were, either.

Like you, I was down to a few eggs and the last package of walnuts. It was impulsive. But I did it. MMMM!

Now, if only those brownies could make me LOSE pounds instead of gain them, because I was -supposed- to be LOSING weight for the weekend of August 5th, my brother's wedding and August 6th-8th, my company's meeting at The Greenbrier Resort.

Which diet pills are the best? ;-)

Mary said...

Try making a huge cookie - grease a 9x11 cake pan, dust with sugar.

Place remaining batter in the cake pan and bake at 350 for about 20 minutes. Keep tabs so that it does not burn.

Cool and cut into squares like brownies.
See if that will work.