Sunday, August 20, 2006


Not quite, but it's getting there. You woud think that my apartment was a pig sty from all the "work" I talk about doing. It wasn't, but it was (in my mind) in total disarray. I'm going to take a shower, and go to bed. Are you happy now? I've gotten about 10 more things done today in my effort to get my apartment put in order. Yeah for me. And it only took me another five hours to do it. At 6AM, Robert and I are leaving to go to Chicago to pick up one of his teammates who will be here for a few days. I'm so excited to meet her. We talked a good bit while she was there (via instant messenger) so I feel like I know a little of her already. After the few days that she's here, she and Robert both will be leaving for a week to head out west and talk with the organization they went with to just debrief about their trip, and even to train the next team that is going (how awesome is that). I imagine this this "reunion" of sorts will be much fun. Ok - Good night. ;-)

1 comment:

OTRgirl said...

I'm so jealous! Give her a big hug from me. (please)