Saturday, August 19, 2006


1. Everything still on the list below, because I never did get to take a nap earlier. Shortly after I posted that, I realized that the laundry I was doing needed flipped, the dirty towels upstairs needed brought downstairs, then the bathroom floor needed swept, I needed to start the corn for the "thing at church," I couldn't wear the shirt I WAS wearing, that I needed to, I needed to shoot out some emails to get the physical addresses for some family members who I don't have addresses for (so I can send invites to the wedding next week)... As you can imagine, by the time all of that was done, it was time to go. OH! But I did do the dishes.

But because of all of that, I've come home tonight to try to finish some of those things and actually go to bed. I haven't been sleep straight through night lately (not true exactly - I've just been waking up crazy early again like I used to). I've opted out of what I was supposed to be doing tonight (UnderGroundVineyard, a new experiential worship experiment at a friend's house here in Grove City). I figure if I can get some of these things done, a little order will be restored to my apartment tonight - and I can crawl into bed tonight with my Bible and journal and have some time of my own to just be, and it will be good all in its own right. Unfortunately though, UnderGroundVineyard is a good thing and deserves some attention. It's just attention or focus or heart I don't have to give this week.

2. Find a way to light a candle, or a match or something that causes a fire. Earlier when I was cooking the corn for the "thing at church," it finished right before I left, and so I left the pot of boiled corn water on the stove, thinking that I would empty it as soon as I got home. Who knew that boiled corn water would smell so much like rotting meat after only two hours? I ran out of matches a long time ago, and that's the sort of thing I forget when I'm at the store, so for times like now, when I want to burn one of my scented candles for a while, I don't have anything to light them with. Ick. I'll spray a little apple spray in a few minutes, but it will be better still when I get some matches.


Angie said...

So it's 11:37, and I've managed to do one load of towels, straighten up the upstairs bathroom a little more, empty the corn water, and...

set up the FAMJAM blog ( ((look but don't touch please)), download the sitebuilder for the website, transfer the domain name for the actual website, write an email explaining all of that to the owner of the site, check off four more RSVP's for the wedding, and...

We're going bridal party dress shopping at 9AM. I should go take apart the bed contraption, wash my face and go to bed.

Angie said...

So it's 1:45AM, and I finished the bedroom closet... Every piece of clothing I own is now sorted into one of four piles: fits and needs washed (small); fits and is where it should be (even smaller); doesn't fit and is going to donation (BIG); doesn't fit and is being thrown away (medium). The "stuff" in the closet is where it's supposed to be (well, except the stuff that has no place because there IS no place - which is why it's in the closet) AND my few pairs of shoes are on the shoe rack. I found two tins of Peppermint Altoids (the only kind I like). One has been opened.

AND to top it off, the bed contraption has been dismantled and the extra fan in my bedroom that may or may not work (mostly not) has been taken downstairs to be thrown away (along with part of the bed contraption).

AND right before I washed my face at 1:40AM, I remembered that I forgot to take my medicine tonight at 8PM because I was at the church thing and didn't hear my alarm. Nice. So I took that, washed my face, and now, I'm really, really going to bed.


Aimee said...

Will you please come to my house and help me wash laundry and sort through clothes?

I wish I had that energy! It's a blessing and a curse, I know. When I was depressive, I would stay up really late. Sometimes, I would use the opportunity to get things done. My husband would wake up to a very clean house and folded laundry. I think he liked me better then. haha.