Friday, August 04, 2006


I need a job. And I still can't drive. Does that count as "something interesting?" No? I didn't think so.

Well then...Robert and I are moving right along planning the wedding that is now 49 days away. For those of you say, "I thought you didn't count DAYS, Angie!" You're right, I still don't. But, my wedding planning software opens up with a countdown. Don't let the fact that I don't count days make you think I'm not excited though. I am!

We've had a good planning week, too. We asked our pastor to do our ceremony, and he said that he got butterflies in his stomach over our asking him. So, the leprechaun is in for the ceremony, and he is also doing our pre-marital counseling, which has been fun already. Among the assignments, there was a list of questions that said something like, "Please mark the following items as necessary, desirable, useful, or luxury," and then listed things like, "family vacation, cable, internet, two cars, two incomes, pets, savings, retirement, etc..." Robert and I had to complete this survey seperately without sharing our answers, which we did (mostly). We were talking about it later, and he said, "OH Angie, when I saw the list of "necessary, desirable, useful, or luxury" I thought, "Angie is going to hate that! Not enough choices!"

Funny thing. I wrote at the top of that section, "Jason - you know me! There aren't enough choices here!" And, not to mention the fact that "unnecessary" and "unwanted" weren't choices. Bob and I both wanted to answer those for "pets."

[I'm listening to a band called Athlete. Good stuff.]

We also registered for gifts and other awesome stuff at Crate and Barrel, Target and towels at Sears. I'm most looking forward to the cookie sheets as it might end the Battle of the Fallen Cookies that is still happening at my apartment. [update from the field: made Batch #4 with all the proper ingredients with Master Commander Robert supervising, and the cookies still fell, spread and burned. Have concluded that the cookie sheet is to blame, though Robert says that these findings are not publishable in journals because I did not isolate the cookie sheet from the beginning. I know that, of course, but let's just be real. The cookie dough was wonderful this time. It's the cookie sheet that's causing the problem.]

We went to look at the church where we'd like to get married yesterday. It is best described the little brick chapel in the country... :-). Aren't Bob and I this strange mix of urban and country? Old and new? We talked also about alternative spaces, and wondered if we knew any friends who worked at any art galleries or warehouses downtown...Whatever works for us, I suppose.

[Currently listening to Pulp and liking it.]

And Devan - did I really say that? I remember that saying...but was I the one who said that? That sounds like something the short, fat, Jewish man would say.

Why do the throw pillows in my apartment still have the tags on them?

OH! AND! How sad for you if you have not had the opportunity to hear Robert tell about his time away in our middle eastern country. The funny stories are so VERY funny! Some of them are chuckle to yourself funny - some are laugh outloud funny - some are laugh so hard you're not even making a sound funny! But the stories of how his own life was impacted and what God showed him about who he is and what he was really there to do - those are amazing. It's unexpected and fantastic...


Anonymous said...

I know I'm WAY behind, but what is the actual date of your wedding? I searched your entire blog trying to find it; not all of us are privileged to talk to you (haven't even seen you since before London!) on a regular basis. And, btw, I really appreciated your posting on the worship series at church; I also appreciated the comments other people left. I shared during service two Sundays ago that I worship by watching other people worship at times.

Angie said...

First of all, leprechaun, I already told you how it is that we did it together. It was only that he told me that I'd have a hard time with that one section, and in doing that, we shared a few of the answers in that section.

If you'd revise your test to have some more logical choices, we test-takers wouldn't be forced to "cheat."

But let's not look at it as cheating. Let's look at it as "teamwork," or "having each other's backs," okay? It's better that way. And then YES, that IS a great way to start, don't you think?

;-) That's what I thought.

Angie said...

Oh and Jessica, the date is Fri., Sept. 22 (this year!).


I don't what happened to May 26, 2007? Maybe that will be some other important date for me, so don't erase it yet from your date book. Let's just wait and see what happens. Or maybe someone else we know will get married that day!? hahahaha...

Aimee said...

Was May 26, 2007 your original choice/date? FWIW, we had 2 dates before the official one: May 20, 2000, then June 17, 2000 (Paul's brother ended up getting married to a girl named Amy that day!) and finally, we were married January 22, 2000.

Angie said...


No - not exactly. Just a funny inside joke with my volunteers (jessica is one of them, so I knew she'd get a giggle out of it). Sorry to post an inside joke outside.



Aimee said...
