I was thinking in the middle of Saturday night service that Tom should send an email reminder to the church to do their lists of "7 Things To Do, All Day Every Day." He won't, but he should. But I can. So here's your reminder. Maybe if you're brave, you'll post it as a comment even. In an attempt to gain control of the "cHiARoTiCA" of your life, if you had to do only seven things a day, every day for the rest of your life, what would they be? Seriously. ONLY seven things. ALL day. EVERY day. FOR----- EV-----ER.
Also, another question for you guys and gals... Tom said in his message this weekend that the four parts to a godly Sabbath were (let's see if I can remember this without the notes in front of me, so I'm totally paraphrasing)...
based on psalm 92
1. worship (through music??)
2. contemplation and comparison of the Lord's greatness??
3. uninhibited play (that's really the one I remember)
4. uh...considering areas of growth and flourishing?
In order to ask the next question, someone will need to help me clarify those four areas... but...which of those four areas do you need to rest in more often on your Sabbath? Which is the easiest for you? AND WHY? is there something we can do to help? is there something we're doing to get in the way? How goes your Sabbath these days?
Author's Notes:
I gotta be honest - Sabbath goes hard for me these days. And
for me, it's a matter of space. I'm realizing that space is important to me. #1 "Worship" is actually getting...well, I'm finding MORE space there (or as you might me saying in other posts, I'm finding more space "to breathe" there). But, as for the other three - not so much. It's because I'm in the same SPACES all the time...without the ability to vary that myself. It's like that old McD's commerical: get up up, go to work, go home, go to bed, and on and on it goes. Now, don't get me wrong. I TOTALLY do things. All the time. I'm out with my amazing group of friends a few nights a week doing fun and meaningful things with them. I can't just breakout and go...somewhere beautiful by myself.
And I know this sounds awful, but DRIVING was a part of my worship. (Devan would understand this if she were reading). God met me in my car, on open roads, with the windows down and radio up, getting lost on backroads near the river. THAT was my uninhibited play, comparing the Lord's greatness and considering areas of growth - all at once. And truthfully, it very often happened on Sundays (in the evening, after lunch, after a nap, after whatever else... as Sundays should be!). Ahhh...I'm breathing just thinking about it. Like the dog on the porch, I suppose. haha... It's no wonder dogs hang their tongues out they go for a ride. Just pure enjoyment - soaking it all in. I can't do that right now. Haha... Yeah, I guess I'm saying I can't just hang my head out the window with my tongue flopping in the breeze. Funny picture, eh? I walk to the mailbox. And I lick my lips a little on the way there? How's that?! Yeah, not quite the same, huh.So Sabbath's got to take on a new form for me, because the old way's not resting. Brandi showed me a six-foot deep couch the other day. That could be a Sabbath all by itself. I wouldn't even have to go anywhere if I had that. THAT could be my somewhere beautiful. Can you imagine? A six-foot deep couch? Ohhh... I'm totally distracted now. I'm not driving in the car anymore, I'm napping on the couch. It's just as nice, really. They're both good places to consider God's goodness. They both teach me about God's rest. And on that note. I should go to bed. Good night Y'all.
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