Thursday, May 25, 2006

Alas for those that never sing,But die with all their music in them! (Oliver Wendell Holmes)
Once you follow the links, scroll down the page to find the links to listen to some new music I found tonight. I have to tell you though, some of it's strange...

  • Romane (just a jazzy classical acousitic guitarist)
  • KG (yeah, I don't know why I like this. I just do. Maybe I'm not only half black...Maybe a quarter of that half was east African?? Haha... oh that's crazy.)
  • Afternoon (I knew I'd like this one when the description read, "This music might be appropriate if you're reading the paper in coffee shop, or sitting on your porch and staring out into space." What better music for me than music meant for staring out into space? That's what I DO!? hahaha... No seriously...I love hispanic music of any form... In my car, that I used to have, one of the radio stations was preset to a hispanic station, and it really did get listened to. And one of the coughonlycough great things about Houston is that there are a million hispanic radio stations AND TV stations. There are one or two here, and I do watch them, but they're not as fun as the ones down there...

And on an unrelated note? WHY are there people arguing on the other side of my apartment? Not the parking lot side (the good side), but the street side? I HATE when people argue really loud first of all (wonder why...), but to do it out loud, in public? And, to make matters worse, it's two women!? How unladylike can you be? Seriously. Grow up. Find another way to express yourself. God gave you words, and emotions and the ability to use your brain. Try it, I promise it works. But please - there are children playing in the yard... It makes me mad at them on the one hand, but also sad for them... :-( *sigh* Oh well... they're going to continue to argue, I suppose. In the meantime, enjoy the music! The first one is probably the most normal!

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