Saturday, May 27, 2006


Here they are for your listening enjoyment: weeks one and two of the series mentioned below. They will only be available for download off this site for seven days, or 25 downloads, so get your copy first and fast. Weeks three and four didn't copy on the cds the church gave me, so unfortunately, I can't post those just yet. And, I don't have four - nine, but as soon as I can I'll get 10-14 up I will, in case you want to listen to those. These are mp4 files, which will play in ITunes. If you don't have ITunes, you can download it free here. These are big honkin' files, so they will take a LONG time to download - be warned - but hey - if you really want to listen to them, at least now you can. Enjoy!

For Week One:
For Week Two:

*in case you're wondering, yes I know how to make links that don't show the entire URL, but for some reason, it wasn't working properly with these particular this is what I had to do - show the entire thing. Sorry for the sloppiness.

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