Sunday, May 07, 2006


The first Gallery Hop that I've been to since January 8 was tonight. I haven't been able to go since we started the Saturday night service because I've worked until Gallery Hop was over, basically. Now that I'm not on staff, my weekends are free for all sorts of fun. Oh it was nice to be downtown again, even it was just for two hours, and even if we really didn't get to browse much because the shops were closed by the time we got down there. I LOVE our city. I know that it's a "city," and so technically I shouldn't be able to breathe as easily down there...but tonight, I just wanted to be THERE...and breathe there for a while, instead of here in the burbs. I don't know how to explain that or why that is, but it was easy breathing there. I used to be afraid of the city. I felt lost in that sea of people. I still do kind of, but it's different. Now it's okay...almost like that's the point. Like I appreciate THAT aspect of it...and realize that it's not being LOST at all. It's just everyone being there at the same time, and knowing WHY they're there at the same time, on purpose (if that makes any sense). And it doesn't have to be the same reasons, either.

Like tonight - the hula hoop lady wasn't there for the same reason as the dancing couple, or the tuba man, or the turkish goods lady, or the server at the restaurant, or the crazed animal guy, or the "hey - don't feel bad lady - you're pretty too!" boy. There's no need to feel lost around all of those different people, because they're all just people there for a reason...just like we were. And the five of us, we were all there for different reasons, too, huh? even though we came together. It was just good to BE together. And I think that's why I'm coming to appreciate our city. Because you can be your version of different at the same time as everyone else's different, at the same time, at the same place, and it's really pretty. It makes it easy to breathe.

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