Monday, May 01, 2006


Because there really are no words to describe this...

When I first moved to C-bus, and more specifically Grove City, I didn't understand what was meant when someone would throw up their gang sign and exclaim "Wesside," but it's like in this one photograph, the Grove City essence of Wesside is captured. Who would have a thought that an after church outing to KFC with the Meekers, Cristi and Megan would have produced two days of left over chicken AND this culturally significant photograph? Not me, that's for sure... Actually, I'm not really trying to poke fun. The crew there at KFC seemed to be having fun and still getting their job done...quite a feat for being teenage fast food workers, I'd say. Good for them! And all while wearing that dope sideways hat and a fly trashbag for a scarf? What more could a teenager ask for in this life???


OTRgirl said...

Just stopping by and catching up. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom. My Mom had cancer, too. But she only lived 6 months past the diagnosis. In some ways that's easier than an on again off again cycle. One big push for a 'cure' and then a graceful acceptance of going home.

Obviously, there are no real words except to say I hear you and I'm sorry you all are going through that. (You're much better at being funny in the midst of the serious stuff than am I!)

Angie said...


Thanks for the words. As for being "funny during the serious..."

There's nothing I can do about it, you know what I'm saying? I've never been very good at playing the uber-compassionate role. I'm just too black and white like that; either things are going to be fine or they're not. If they're going to be fine - then there's no poing in moping around. If they're not, then they're NOT...and there is no point in spending no point in spending the entire time between now and then acting as though it's the end of the world. My mom wouldn't want it that way. It doesn't mean I'm not sad and shocked...

Here's a post that Robert made on his blog when he found out that his mom had breast cancer last year (yeah - can you believe it? his mom, too). I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that he processes these types of things the same way I do, but at least we both recognize it.