Saturday, June 10, 2006


So I have a friend who just LOVES Star Wars. Earlier this week, she went to see the Star Wars exhibit at COSI with a little girl she babysits. She told me all about it that afternoon, about the Millenium Falcon that is there, and about how she got to take pictures that are going to make her brother jealous, and all sorts of things like that. (Lucky for him, the exhibit will still be here when he gets home next month, and will still be here for a few months even after that). I've only seen the first three episodes (in release order) so I can't say that I "get" the whole Star Wars thing just yet, but I enjoyed the ones I've seen. But this friend - she's a FAN! I could see her face light up as she talked about the different exhibits.

Well, later that night, she and I went out with some friends to dinner, and as this friend is prone to doing, she had a few drinks. Limon something, if I remember correctly?? She's been talking for a while about wanting some sort of mixed drink with lemon in it, so I guess this was her chance after having such a great day at COSI with the other Star Wars fans. So imagine our amusement when my friend pulls out a Storm Trooper helmet from her giant purse! I can only imagine she either bought this helmet at the gift shop, or snatched it from some back hallway exhibit when the performers weren't looking. We were in stitches, rolling on the floor laughing as our friend proceeded to break out a little "Storm Trooper" dance to the muzak playing!

Little did she know, I had my trusty cell phone camcorder rolling, as I always do for moments just like these... Enjoy!

;-) and remember - this is my story, and I'll tell it however I want to tell it!


OTRgirl said...

that's crazy! How can you have a purse big enough to fit a storm trooper helmet!?!

Brandi said...

What's so funny is that my purse is totally big enough, but that is NOT me. I would love to take credit for it because it is hilarious!

Angie said...

Dear Readers:

You have two choices. You can either choose to believe that Brandi is denying that it is in fact her in the video...because she was so DRUNK that night that she is embarrassed that this crazy video of her shaking it is being made public...


you can choose to believe that I went and found some random video of a drunk lady with a Stormtrooper mask on her head, dancing at a restaurant...and am trying to pass it off as Brandi, simply because that is ABSOLUTELY something Brandi would have done this week when she got home from the Star Wars exhibit had we actually gone out to dinner, and had she actually knocked back a few of the Limon/lemon drinks she's been craving for a few weeks...

You'll have to decide for yourself, but like I said (and do say OFTEN), it's my story, and I'm going to tell however I want!

Tammy said...

Thank you for finally exposing Brandi's errr..your friend's STar Wars obsession. I can no longer live with it alone. Maybe now, she'll be agreeable to an intervention. I suppose we should do something about her drinking problem at that time too.

Brandi said... all are just hatin' on me because, even in a storm trooper helmet, I look hot!