Friday, June 23, 2006


So really, I'm NOT counting the days, but we're getting close to running out of weeks to count here. Three.

THREE. Pinky, Ring and Middle. Thumb, Index and Middle. However it's most convenient for you, those how I'm counting, but either way, I'm down to three, and after this, THEN I'm going to start counting DAYS. And you know what comes after three weeks is up and I finish up the whole of 14 days? Seven days...which you don't even count in DAYS. You just say "this week." Yeah. See - THIS is why I can't count in days yet. It's as bad as December! Christmas and my birthday rolled into one month, two weeks apart from one another...all this counting in days and weeks. And everyone asking me, "Oh yeah - Robert's coming home soon, isn't he?!" OH IS HE?! REALLY? Hmmm... I'll have to check my calendar. I hadn't noticed. There's a word for this... what's it called?



Aimee said...

Hahaha... Heehee... you sound exactly like I did when I was expecting Hannah.

First, it's months. Then, you begin with weeks.

My little one's birthday is 6 days before Christmas, so I can really empathize with you on all that.

I hope 3 weeks, then 2 weeks/14 days/this week passes quickly for you.

OTRgirl said...

I'm over here trying to think of a funny quip and failing miserably. I'm glad you'll be able to see each other soon.

Totally unrelated but I just watched the video. HILARIOUS! And of course, tragically sad cause its a little too true...

Angie said...

Ok ladies. ;-) Don't go getting all sappy and teary eyed. It's not like that... I was just sayin'...

I'm not curled up in a little ball in the corner weeping with a box of chocolates, please don't get that impression. The days are passing quickly... :-) I get to talk to Robert really often (REALLY), and usually for a long time when we do, more than most people would expect (more than I expected I'd get to when he left), long enough that we have time to talk about important stuff and important nothings. Sometimes I take it for granted how often we get to talk, to be honest, and that probably makes me miss him more. I should remember that when he left, we thought I'd only get to talk to him once a month.

(just didn't want this to turn into a "poor Angie sitting at home waiting for Bob to return" comment post...)

If you really want to pray for something - pray that I get a job soon! That would really make the days pass even MORE quickly than they already do!

Love ya' ladies! and really - thank you though!

Aimee said...

Tanya, I'm sorry about the present deal. lol... I think I've been the Present Nazi regarding my little one's birthday. When she was born, I told everybody that they absolutely COULD NOT give her a birthday present wrapped in Christmas paper.

Some people do Christmas-themed Birthday parties, but I'm going to try REALLY hard not do to that.

First year was "1st Birthday" in pink and purple. The 2nd birthday was in Elmo with not only red, but yellow, green and blue. This year will probably be Dora for the 3rd.

I've also tried to have her birthday party before we put up the Christmas decorations... which is hard, considering that I used to put the tree up the weekend of Thanksgiving!

So, you and Angie come down to my house this year for a non-Christmas birthday.

PS... I remember that we always had finals and were leaving around Angie's birthday at ORU. :-(