Friday, June 02, 2006

(long post. sorry. I'm totally rambling)

Yesterday was a busy blog day! Tammy said that I probably have too much time on my hands (which is totally true, btw), but I had a comeback ready: I was just getting ready to go out with Tanya the Newly Reformed Blogger to paint the town red(read: run some errands), and so blog central was going to be taking a break. I had no idea the chaos that was about to ensue.

Stops #1 and #2 were pretty normal, quick jaunts into some businesses to pick up applications. I have an interview this afternoon at 2PM. I'll tell you more about it (and the logic behind possibly working somewhere that is so far removed from my field) if I get the job.

But somewhere between Stops #1 and #2, it started to rain. And not just drizzle a little, I mean holy mother of God downpour. Lucky for us Stop #3 was in the same parking lot: a clothing store where I was going to attempt to buy yet another pair of jeans a size smaller than I've been wearing lately. I went in looking for a size 9/10 of their jeans (remember - those 12's from the GAP? Well when we were running for our lives across the parking lot to keep from getting drenched, I had to stop in order to pull them up off my hips. I'd say it's time for a new pair of jeans, wouldn't you?). I have a pair of 11/12's from this place, too, and I totally can't wear them anymore. Hey - if anyone wants that pair, you can have them.

But wouldn't you know it? We get there, and there's not one pair of 9/10 short left in the entire store?! (Well, not of their normal stock jean. There were of the designer $65.00 jeans. I don't need those.) So I called the associate over, and begged, "PLEASE! I HAVE to find a pair of your jeans today in this size. Please tell me you have ONE more pair in the back??" She said, "Yeah, that's our most popular size. Really - there's NONE left here?? Let me look." So she does, and then, it's as if the thunder and lightning outside stop, light shines down from heaven, and that Noah's ark that's been floating by?? it just sort of slinks off into the distance as the water recede... because she pulls out the for real LAST pair of 9/10 short off the shelf! So, I went and tried them on, and they're great!

I called Tanya over to see if they really looked ok or maybe they were too tight. If you've been shopping with me at all, you'll know that I have this issue. Why was her first response "Angie, your butt?! Wow." What is wrong with you people? One of you is infatuated with my boobs and now Tanya with my butt? hahaha...I just wanted to know if my jeans fit! Well, they did. Right at that moment though - the lights went out! Power outage! And just moments later the sales clerk came through and said she'd need us to wrap up our shopping and head out because of the outage.

I panicked. I thought she meant I wouldn't be able to purchase my last-on-the-shelf-size-9/10-short-jeans! Lucky for her (because I think I might have pounced on her if she had said otherwise), they know how to wrte paper tickets in case of a power outage. But this is where the afternoon just get starts getting silly. The next part has to be continued in new post...

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