Thursday, June 01, 2006

if you don't blog.

It's really that simple. And over the past few weeks, I've had several of the regular readers of this blog and Robert's blog say to me (or write to me), "Yeah, I read your blog, and I comment on your blog, and I read Robert's blog and all of these other blogs, and I even started my own blog once, but I stopped, because 1) I didn't think I had anything important to say, 2) I didn't think anyone was reading and 3) noone was commenting."

PEOPLE! Where to begin? Now don't get me wrong. I'm certainly no all star blogger. There are people out there who get PAID to do this, did you know that? They get SO much traffic to their sites, that someone out there in cyberland PAYS them to write about whatever they feel like it because the company knows that they're going to get some ad views from it. I'm quite sure I'm not to that level of celebrity, but for that handful of you who have asked me about it this week, you seemed sincere enough about it, so let's chat. Have a seat, and please, would someone pour themselves a sweet tea since I can't have one (probably Aimee)?

I think I'll start in the middle. I can tell you that people are reading your blogs because they tell me they are. In fact, they say, "You know, I used to read so and so's blog, but they stopped writing so I stopped reading. Too bad too, because s/he was kind of cool/ funny/ smart/ funny/ interesting/ whack/ sexy/ godlike spiritual," or whatever adjective will most likely bring you back to blogging. People DO read - you just don't know it, and it's easier for you to think that they DON'T read than to choose to keep writing and thinking of what you might like to share with the anonymous someone who is still reading.

As for commenting - two things. 1) I know you thrive on comments. You crave them shows that people are reading! It's a viscious cycle, isn't it? But here's the thing. If you don't write - PEOPLE WON'T COMMENT! They have to get to know you well enough to comment! It's like a conversation, you know. Sure, the people who basically know you will comment whenever, but the NEW person to your blog, it takes them a while to know you, and they have to have you keep posting in order to do that. So keep the conversation going. AND...if you're blogging, don't blog JUST to the people you know...unless you ONLY want the people you know to comment. That's okay every once in a while, but like I said... And, don't be afraid to tell your friends about your blog. If you want them to participate with you, then you have to tell them. Send them a little link in your next email. Shameless self promotion? Yes. Will they visit? Yes. How else do you expect them find it? Don't get me wrong - I really have had friends find my blog by googling my name. But those are the ones with the restraining orders. ;-) (I'm kidding Aimee. You know that the RO wore off a long time ago).

And the last one is the biggest, I suppose. WHAT TO WRITE ABOUT? Who cares? I mean sure, someone's going to care, but that's not your business - it's YOUR blog. And don't tell me that you don't have anything interesting to say! You're a human being! You're as interesting as the next person! And, if you had the guts to start a blog, then you probably have a found a way throughout life to prove that to people! hahaha...

So shut up and start blogging again. Who cares what about?? Just do it. Don't TRY to be smart and funny and clever and witty and sexy and godlike spiritual. That never works. Well, it does for me, but that's because I AM those things, but we can't ALL be all those things, now can we? You just be the best you that you can be, and people will read. I promise. And look, I'll put a link to your blog on my page, and that will help. All four people who read my blog will be able to at least FIND your blog! Better hurry, they're going to start reading again like mad, and dang it, you BETTER have written something...

And the rest of you, you BETTER start commenting on each other blogs. Stop lurking. You're all lurking on each other's blogs and asking, "Why isn't anyone reading my blog or commenting on my blog?" It's as bad as being at a party where noone talks to each other. Don't make me come out ther... Wait. I can't actually DO anything... so this is as bad as it's going to get. I'm just saying. Get to it. We're waiting to hear from you!

1 comment:

Aimee said...

LOL. Angie, you have no idea how much this post made me laugh--and how much I really needed to laugh this morning. Funny, the sweet tea thing. Not sure about the RO. :-P

I had a dream last night and you were there. But instead of telling you about it here, I'll talk about it on *my* blog. :-P