Tuesday, June 06, 2006


You know that every once in a while I'll discover a band that I feel like I just HAVE to share with my faithful few. Well, this is one of those times.

Gary's Parachute. Unforunately, I don't have any mp3's to pass along because those links on the site weren't working properly to where I can link to them, so you'll have to go google it yourself - perhaps you can make your way to same site I did and check back to see if it's working, but if you do, your ears will rise up and call themselves blessed for getting a peek at this alternative country rock band.

And, as I was reading about the members of the band, I gotta say, the pedal guitar player seemed particularly interesting and intelligent (you know normally, I wouldn't go for guys in bands; they seem sort of flaky and lost to me, but there was something different about this one). The way he writes about the redemption of his life after having spent time in Riker's Island? It's obvious that God has done something great in his life and that he'd spend his life sharing that with other people, no matter what. I know, I know - he's in a band - not exactly an altruistic, philanthropic way to do it, but hey, if plucking some strings is the talent God gave him, then at least he's using that talent, right? Not to mention the fact that Forrest Green is his favorite color and burgers are his favorite food (well, and not JUST that Forrest Green is his fav. color, but that he spelled Forrest with two R's. Smart man, that Pedal Guitar player). We really do have a lot in common. I'll bet that we'd get along pretty well if we ever met. AND, to top it all off, he's super cute. He's really tall, which I like, and he has bright blue eyes and a really big smile. What more could I ask for? He loves music, would spend his life telling others about the good life (but not in a cheesy way - remember - this is an ALTERNATIVE country ROCK band), and he's super cute?

I mean really... Gary's Parachute. Go check it out, y'all. You won't regret it!

1 comment:

rdmeeker said...

Wow, I can't believe you found that band. They are my favorite alternative country band ever!

But I had forgotten about them! I used to hear them all the time when I worked at Franklin, but....

I guess I have lost touch with that scene.