Sunday, June 18, 2006


HI. I'm still not dead. I promise. See.

I took THIS picture this week. And if I were dead, I couldn't do that. Just haven't had much to write about, I guess. I've been doing stuff, just haven't known what to SAY about that stuff, but since I berated you guys for that same thing a few weeks ago, I guess I better give it a go. Let it be known that once you are a seasoned blogger though, you ARE allowed to actually take a break every once in a while, so please stop sending me hate mail for not blogging this week and I'll get back at it.

This is Megan. We went "shopping" this week, but I suppose that "shopping" would imply actually purchasing something. I really just wanted to play dress up with Megan. Megan is just a little taller than I am, but her legs start about four feet before mine do, so she can wear things I could only dream of, so she's fun to play dress up with. I mean - doesn't that outfit look really great on her? Yeah, people: it serves noone if you wear jeans that don't fit you well (trust me, I know. I did it for too long, and unfortunately, am still doing it with my jeans as I shrink out of them). Find some awesome jeans and "work em!" Like these - the first time Megan put them on, she was like, "OH MI GOSH! These are too tight!" So I brought her the next size up. She had those on for a while, then said, "Um, I think the other ones fit better." Exactly. Oh yeah - and Brandi - you should know that Megan is actively looking for a pair of silver or gold heels to own, too! Cute, right? These jeans would look great with just a plain ol' tshirt too, that's the thing. Doesn't have to be anything dressy...We tried them on with her flip flops, too. So that's one thing I've been up to this week. I did it with another friend's mom, too (Judy Shrader, for those who are interested).

This is Tanya. We spent some time at the pool and the gym this week (that is a great thing about living in an apartment community - free pool and gym). I've told Tanya that as I've lost weight, and my face has gotten smaller, my smile and my nose have gotten larger! This picture is proof. Nonetheless, the smile is pretty big because Tanya and I have all sorts of silly fun at the pool. Did you know that Tanya can do a 17 second one handed hand-stand? Yup. It's true. She's practically ready for the Olympics.

THIS is my city, as snapped from the banks of the river tonight at the Latino Festival. Now, the Latino Festival was fun because I was with my crew (Megan, Craig and Brandy), of course...BUT, of all of the festivals I've been to so far in C'bus, I think this has been my least favorite. It was madness. People EVERYWHERE. Maybe it would have been better if we hadn't gone on Saturday night? But seriously - look at this city? Isn't it beautiful? You know what it made me think of as we were standing on the banks of the river, looking at the sparkling twinkling lights of the buildings, and I was thinking about all of the places in this city that I have explored over the past year or two? All of the adventures that I've had in the hidden, tucked away places all over Columbus?

Yeah. HAHAHA! Robert, that nerd. And how I'm going to leave this city to go to another to see him in less than a month. LESS THAN A MONTH. I mean, we're down to being able to count in DAYS now, aren't we (not that I do, really, I don't, I really count in weeks still), but it's awesome that I COULD count in days if I wanted to. If I did, I'd say, "I'm going to see Robert in London in...27 days (or 26 if you're him). Awesome. And in 31 days (his time), Robert will be rolling back into Columbus, seeing that same skyline from the picture above. Pretty awesome, too...

The last thing happening this week of course has been the updates with my mom. At this point, it will be easiest if you read along with her on her blog. She has vowed to keep it updated frequently. The doctors biopsied some of the tumors and confirmed that they were cancer (which they already knew). basically, there's no new news, they're just doing more tests to figure out how much cancer and where, and then they'll know what treatment to start and where. Keep praying! And send some emails and comments and thoughts her way. Maybe she'd like to hear from you...

Any questions or comments about this update can be directed to me personally. Any hate mail generated about this update can directed's say...Craig! Why not? hahaha...

1 comment:

Mobea said...

Well, it's about time. Okay Robert, your turn.